Who knew Newcastle had a fashion week? Well it turns out it does and it's going on over the next week. Yesterday afternoon the first of the shows showcasing fashion from high street brands and independent local boutiques took place at The Assembly Rooms. I headed up to the L-Z show (featuring brands whose name began with letters between L and Z funnily enough) and managed to grab myself a front row seat (how exciting!), the hour and a half show featured everything from Levi's to New Look to Oxfam as well vintage clothing from The Yesterday Society. Annoyingly, although probably my fault, my camera battery died on my half way through the show however I managed to get some good snaps before it did.
Miss Selfridge
New Look
Sadly at this point my camera battery died, there were a lot more amazing looks after this (particularly diappointed I couldn't photograph Topshop and River Island) but I had an amazing afternoon playing at being a fashion photographer and I was definitely inspired by some of the outfits I saw!
Have you been attending any of the NFW events? There's a lot more going on throughout the week if you're about!